Friday, February 27, 2009

Here she is, Miss America.....

Thanks, mom for her fabulous tiara! She feels like one of the pageant girls-
Here's Miss California!!!

I have a cute little story, and even though it happened a while ago, I have to write it down. A month ago, the Miss America pageant was on and I was watching the beginning with Gretel. It was the part where each girl goes up to the microphone and introduces herself and which state she's from really enthusiastically! Gretel thought each girl was greeting her personally, and giggled back at the tv! She would stop after they'd walk away, but start giggling when the next girl started talking! After about 10 girls in a row, I sat her down in front of the tv and ran to get the video camera, but she of course wouldn't do it for me! So I wish I had this filmed, but that's okay.
She's way into her toys lately...and rolling over tons!!!

She went to the Doc for her 4 month checkup and shots (so sad) today, and when the nurse first saw her, she raved at her cute face. Then, she whispered to Gretel, "they say all babies are cute, but they lie....I see them all, and you're the cutest!" I told her I agree, but I'm also her mom so....anyway, here are her stats:

Weight: 12%
Height: 65%
Head: 21%

In December at her 2 month checkup they were:

Weight: 21%
Head: 25%

My "plump dumpling" simmering in her bath water!

She really is one happy sweet and mellow!


dougandkatieanderson said...

I love little Miss America she is go dang sweet!

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful those nurses were right! I miss working with you too! I bet California is soooo nice though!

Kristy said...

Chelsea, she is adorable. I think the nurse was being perfectly truthful. She has the most darling, expressive face. I love the Miss America story!

chrissy said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Some of those comments had me rolling on the floor, too!