On May 14th, Johnny graduated from law school! For the few weeks before the big day, we just kept saying how much we both could not believe that his school days were finally coming to an end. He has been in school since we got married, so for the past six years we have known only finals, tests, deadlines and a lot of studying! I say "we" because even though I am not in school (thank heavens-I can't imagine anything more horrid) I'm still affected by all of his late nights/all-nighters as he stays up to study for a final or to finish a paper.
He can't understand why I feel the stress of it-I think it's mostly because I feel really sorry for him. But he is crazy and really likes school! His favorite little latin phrase translates into, "learn for the love of learning."
Both his parents and mine came to his graduation! Thanks, that was so nice of you guys to come and visit for a short but important weekend. That morning, Gretel woke up with a fever so she was pretty out of it during some of the pictures. She just wanted to sleep, the poor girl! Johnny carried her across the stage with him when his name was called, and she was the first child that had been carried with a parent, so the audience liked it. Later there were lots of kids that went with their parents, so it was fun to see how many law students had young kids.
It was strange weather-freezing cold and really windy. The night before graduation we went to dinner with his parents. Then they had to leave town right after the ceremony, so we went to dinner with my parents. On the way home from that, we stopped off at Toys R Us so my dad could get Gretel a trike. She had been asking him for a blue one for a little while, and she'd call him on the phone to talk to him about it, so she was excited! (He got her a Disney princess one with a matching helmet, and she was thrilled!) Gretel calls him "Pot-C" instead of "Pop-C" so....thanks "Pot-C!"
Anyway, graduation day was great and he is really excited to be able to "work hard for the money....so hard for it honey...." If he had his way, he'd be working in criminal law. He has been working as an intern for the past two years in criminal defense. He got to do a real jury trial and loved it! (and I got to watch one day of it, and thought he did a great job)
He got an award in school right before graduation that was the "most likely to set a killer free" award, which I thought was fun, but I have some conflicting feelings about-do I want my husband setting killers free?
Anyway, I am so proud of you Johnny! You have worked so hard the last four years, and I wish you lots of luck while taking the brutal bar exam!
Now I hope you are able to pass the bar so you can get a jobby-job, so we can start paying off our hefty student loans!