Friday, October 17, 2008

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

I thought it might be fun to get a little video posted for family that won't be able to see her for a bit.

we are loving every minute we spend with our blue eyed, black haired girly girl. And I'm hoping that any day now my body will learn to run on 5 hours of interrupted sleep.

more to come so stay tuned!!


Katrina said...

She is beautiful and we are so happy for your little family! :)

Erin said...

She is prescious. Ellie and I just watched that video three times and Ellie is asking to "watch again." Gretel looks like a baby Caitland to me in that video. She is so sweet. I hope everything is going well.

dede said...

Chels-she is beautiful and I am so excited for you guys. And I am very excited to have found your blog so that we can stay in touch!